There is a misconception at all levels that the answer to concerns over onshore wind farms is to push them offshore. After all, out of sight is out of mind, right?
There are grave concerns for offshore too, ranging from the effects of sonar surveying, to micro climates, operating noise, risk to navigation, pollution, and loss of fisheries.
The abundance of whale strandings and mortalities reported worldwide, coincident with both sonar surveying, and operational wind farms is criminal, yet well funded 'green' charities that once pursued whalers, now refuse to act, or even comment.
What happened to 'Save The Whales'? - Shame!
What will countries, whose diet is predominantly fish, do, without workable fisheries?
Recent data shows the effects to be even further reaching than we thought with ocean currents and plankton distribution being seriously distrusted in the wake of wind turbines.
"Researchers from the Hereon Helmholtz-Zentrum have found shifts in airflows and sea currents, which are connected to offshore wind farms".
Long story short: we know far too little about the effects of large wind turbines to be inflicting them on humanity, wildlife, or global weather patterns. Onshore and offshore!
We have to scrutinise very carefully any data that purports to show otherwise as so much is tainted by the billions of $$$ big wind is spending seeking to convince us it's all OK, and somehow good for the planet.
MotVind UK can support neither onshore, nor offshore, and will be active in the fight against both!